에스티로더 2022Q1 10-Q 공급망관련 짤막하게주식/에스티로더 2021. 11. 3. 23:06
에스티로더의 라메르 에스티로더의 조말론 런던 향수 사실 에스티로더에 대해 자세하게 알지는 못하지만... LG생활건강 주주로서 공급망 이슈에대한 타사의 답변을 듣고싶어서 찾아보게되었다.
일단 실적자체는 좋았으나 영업이익측면에서 운임비 증가에따른 비용증가가 있었다고한다.
Thank you. Good morning and congrats on your results. Can you comment on the cadence of the quarter in Asia-Pacific and how you exited? It seems that you had a hiccup in China consumption towards the end of the quarter. And Tracey, you mentioned that in your prepared remarks, and I think [Indiscernible] question, but is the deceleration in the fiscal second quarter a function of normalizing the pull forward or more how conservative you're seeing things happening? And then obviously, you have this seasonality they have been calling for 11.11. So if you can just elaborate more on that, I would appreciate. Thank you.
중국 코로나문제도 있고 물류문제도 있는걸로 아는데 어떻게할거냐?(광군제포함)
I mean, we achieved double-digit growth in China this quarter and some very strong double-digits also on a 2 or 3 years stacked basis. So despite the restrictions they were also in July and August. So the Chinese consumer are really strong and we are serving them. We also with a variety of locations, meaning in every channel we see the growth online, we see the growth in brick-and-mortar. We see the growth in high-end and, and our key idea is to serve the Chinese consumers wherever they are, and to serve them in the best possible way. So we manage this with agility. And depending what is the commercial model that is emerging in China, we focused more on 1 channel [Indiscernible], also depending by the season and by the moment. Also screen -- skin care, which I think is a great sign of strength, skin care grew strong double-digit despite the very tough comparison with the previous year. While in our case, we launched the Advanced Night Repair relaunch.
So it was a very big innovation in the base period. So brick-and-mortar in China also saw very strong growth, and our business online grew double digits. Despite the fact that in quarter 1, online is a bit normally sandwiched between the 6.18 big event and the 11.11 big event. But despite that, we grew double-digits. And the long term for demand on the market in closing, name ly the large and growing in the class with increasing spending per person, all these remain intact. And so the key idea is to be able to focus on the Chinese consumer, in whatever channel they choose to shop in depending on the moment to the year. And that's where we are doing, and that's why we remain very confident for the remaining of the fiscal year.
중국소비자들이 어디에있든 우리는 그들에게 좋은 서비스를 제공할것.
3분기는 618과 11.11(광군제) 사이에 끼어있는데 두자릿수 성장을 이루어냈다.
1인당 소비지출이 커질 것이라 믿고있으며 그들이 어떤 채널을 통해서든 초점을 맞출 수 있도록 노력할것
=>경쟁이 있을지언정 시장자체가 커지고있다는 믿음은 로레알과 에스티로더 둘다 동의하는듯
The business in China is proving to be a great trial builder, more than an cannibalizing business and is building trial of people that otherwise would not be able to try our problem, then we'll repurchase them. We'll repurchase them maybe again in the future travel, but most of the times in their everyday lives in Mainland China. So obviously, there is commercial competition. The market is becoming very competitive. There is a lot of players. And commercially, there is that will continue to be intense competition. But there is -- every channel serves, frankly, a very different role. And so our strategy is to be able to leverage each one of these channel in the best possible way. We are maximizing the coverage and the service to the total consumers in China that are interested in Beauty, and over time to be able to better differentiate the scope of the channels and how the consumer will be served by the different channels.
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