PMI CEO가 MO와 합병은 없다고함주식/알트리아 2021. 11. 12. 10:58
Philip Morris rules out future merger with Altria
Chief executive Jacek Olczak tells FT that chapter involving fellow tobacco group is ‘closed’
Jacek Olczak said at the Financial Times Global Dealmaking Summit on Tuesday that the “chapter with Altria is closed”, when asked about reviving merger talks between the two tobacco giants, which last took place in 2019.
Instead, Olczak said he was focused on expanding PMI’s “pharmaceutical and therapeutic” knowledge and suggested the group may move into the cannabidiol (CBD) market.합병은 안하기로하고 “pharmaceutical and therapeutic” 이쪽으로 가겠다고하는데
CBD쪽도 하겠다는뜻인지는 모르겠다.
Speculation over a merger between PMI and Altria, best known for international and US domestic distribution of Marlboro cigarettes respectively, has been rife since the pair split in 2007, following years of litigation pressure in the US.
In 2019, PMI began talks with Altria over a $200bn merger. The takeover was abandoned after a US regulatory crackdown on e-cigarettes that threatened Juul, the vaping company in which Altria held a 35 per cent stake.미국에서 소송압력때문에 헤어진꼴인데 다시 합병하자고 말하기도 힘들긴 하겠다.
19년도에도 합병얘기 나오긴했지만 JUUL인수 이후 e-cigarettes에 대한 전방위적인 공격으로 떡실신당해서 실패
Olczak also reiterated his desire for PMI to move away from making cigarettes, predicting that at future events, PMI will have to remind listeners that it “used to be a company that was selling cigarettes, maybe that used to sell nicotine products”.
PMI aims for more than half of its total net revenues to come from smoke-free products by 2025.
The company announced at its third-quarter earnings call in October that smoke-free products accounted for 28.6 per cent of total adjusted net revenues in the first nine months of 2021.pmi는 아이러니하게도 담배회사에서 벗어나기를 희망하고
현재 조정 순이익기준 28.6%가 smoke-free 제품에서 나온다고한다.
아이코스가 희망이라고 믿고싶은것같다.
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