2020년 1분기 버크셔 해서웨이 주주총회 요약 (워렌버핏의 전망)주식/버크셔해서웨이 2020. 5. 3. 23:03
내가 요약한건 아니고 cnbc에서 요약해줬다
Buffett on why he didn’t buy more Berkshire stock
왜 버크셔 주식 안샀냐?
Buffett explained why he didn’t repurchase more Berkshire Hathaway shares during the sell-off in the first quarter. The company only repurchased $1.7 billion of Berkshire shares even as it sits on a record $137 billion cash pile.
버크셔 주식이 큰 하락을 했는데 왜 1.7조밖에 안샀냐?
현금이 137조나 있었으면서
“The price has not been at a level where it really feels way better to us than other things, including the option value of money, to step up in a big way,” he said.
가격이 맘에 들지 않아서 그랬다고 한다
Being against buybacks is now ‘politically correct,’ Buffett says
시국이 시국인지라 자사주매입이나 배당은 아닌 것 같다
Buffett says he and Charlie Munger are in good health
찰리멍거랑 나 건강하니까 걱정하지마라
Greg Abel doesn’t see Berkshire’s culture changing
워렌과 찰리는 훌륭한 사람이지만 버크셔 안에 있는 팀들도 대단하다
(계속해서 너네 워렌과 찰리떠나면 어떡하냐 이야기가 나오는듯..)
Buffett says he’s ‘willing to do something very big,’ but hasn’t seen anything ‘attractive’
137조나 있는데 코로나 바이러스동안 아무것도 산게 없다니..
내 눈엔 싼 기업들이 많이 보이는데 그의 눈엔 attractive 한 주식이 없단 말인가
나같은 우주의 먼지만도 못한 지분을 가지는거랑
버크셔처럼 큰 회사가 투자하는거랑은 다르겠지만
확실히 아쉬운 부분이 있다 정말 큰 급락이었기 때문에..
Buffett says he sold his entire stake in airlines
항공주 다 팔았다!
버핏보고 항공주 샀던 사람들 피눈물나게 만드네..
이로써 피터린치가 말했던 '피터린치가 샀다고해서 사면 안되는 이유' 중 하나
그 사람이 언제 팔지 모른다는 것
“The world has changed for the airlines. And I don’t know how it’s changed and I hope it corrects itself in a reasonably prompt way,” Buffett said. “I don’t know if Americans have now changed their habits or will change their habits because of the extended period.”
사람들의 변화 할 습관에 초점을 맞추는 버핏. 역시 뭘 좀 아는 양반이다.
소비가 어떻게 바뀔지 흐름을 읽겠다는 그의 철학에 무릎을 탁 쳤다
어쨌든 손실을 본 것은 본거고.. 과연 버크셔 주식이 어떤 길을 걷게 될지 궁금하다
현재 버크셔의 시가총액은 4437억달러 한화로 543조정도 된다
솔직히 지금 가격도 괜찮은 가격이라 생각하는데 흠
손실도 봤고 코로나때 아무것도 안했으니 열심히 누군가가 숏쳐줘서 팔아줬음 좋겠다
Buffett says he was ‘wrong’ about the airlines
KHC때도 그랬지만 버핏이 보유하고있다고 가지고가면 안될듯..
근데 그래서 내가 애플을 못샀지 ㅎㅎ
The best thing to do is buy into S&P 500 index fund, Buffett says
Buy america I am 때도 그랬지만 어줍잖게 투자할거면 에쎈피 500이나 사라는 버핏옹
개인적으로 은퇴포트폴리오에 에쎈피말고 나스닥 가져가는데
그냥 미국에 투자한다는 그 마음
저도 가져가겠습니다
Warren Buffett believes average investors should buy the broad market for a long period of time instead of following stock-picking advice of others. “In my view, for most people, the best thing is to do is owning the S&P 500 index fund,” Buffett said at Berkshire’s annual meeting. “There are huge amounts of money people pay for advice they really don’t need. If you bet on America and sustain that position for decades, you’d do far better than buying Treasury securities, or far better than following people who tell you” what to invest, he added. –Li
장기적으로 채권보다 나을것이다
보고있냐 사학연금?
Buffett — don’t use borrowed money to participate in markets
돈 빌려서 투자하지마라
Buffett says, ‘be careful about how you bet.’
버핏형이 항상 말하는 '니가 뭘 하고 있는지 알고 해라' 라는 뜻으로 보인다
자매품으로 '모르면 하지마' 가 있다
Stock market has produced $100 for every $1 since Buffett finished college
For every $1 invested when Warren Buffett finished college in the 1950s, the stock market has produced $100, the “Oracle of Omaha” pointed out during his presentation at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting.
″All you had to do was believe in America. You just had to believe that the American miracle that was intact,” Buffett said. “You didn’t have to read the Wall Street Journal. You didn’t have to look at the price of your stock. You didn’t have to pay a lot of money in fees than anybody…Nothing can stop America when you get right down to it.” There was a testing period after the stock market crash of 1929 where a lot of people “really lost faith,” Buffett said. “In the end the answer is never bet against America.” –Li아메리카를 믿고 아메리카를 거스르지 말아라
닥치고 에쎈피 500 사라고!
마이클버리형님이랑 유튜브로 썰전하면 개꿀잼일듯
Buffett: Economy faces ‘extraordinary’ range of outcomes, but nothing can stop America
바이러스로 흉흉하지만 아메리카를 멈출 수 없다
Buffett has doubled the stock market’s return
Despite short-term fluctuations, Warren Buffett’s long-term track record is why this meeting is such a big annual event for investors. Berkshire Hathaway A shares have returned nearly 21% annually since 1976, more than double the return of the S&P 500′s 10% return over the same time, according to FactSet. Over the last year, Berkshire has lost 15%, compared to the S&P 500′s 1% loss. Berkshire’s heavy investments in banking and insurance has hurt it during this dramatic economic slowdown. -Melloy
비록 60조가량 순손실을 기록했지만 결국 길게보면 워렌버핏은 시장 성장률보다 버크셔로
투자자들에게 더 큰 수익률을 안겨주었다
은행주랑 보험주가 타격입으면서 손실이 커진 것 같다는듯..
Berkshire reports net loss of $50 billion
한화로 60조 손실봤다ㅠㅠ
사실 이번 버핏 주총으로 애플이나 코카콜라처럼 기존에 투자했던 기업지분을
더 가져가려할 줄 알았는데 좀 아쉬운부분이 있다
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